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Adventure! March 31, 2006

Posted by RoyberTITo in Random.
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Hey, guys, I'm going out on a cool little adventure for a bit. Guess what I'm doing?

All I can tell you for now is I'm getting my camera replaced (for the Comic-Con report, damn you!) and I'm getting a VERY SPECIAL NEW GAME which will be reviewed either tonight or tomorrow morning…. or in a week. Why in a week? It's a VERY LONG GAME which will take a LONG time to beat. A LONG time.

But I'll review it ASAP. Because I've been waiting a long damn time to review this one. You'll enjoy it. It came out this week, by the way, so I'm in the curve.

Tonight on WASDEM! March 28, 2006

Posted by RoyberTITo in Random.
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Man, I feel like writing another “True Addiction”. I’ll probably turn it into a regular segment, because I find it to be a great segment idea. Anyway, it’s 1 AM and I’m stuck here doing homework. A Romeo and Juliet Character Map. But all the characters are old school Nintendo sprites. For example, Juliet is Peach and her father is Balloon Fight Richard, formerly Pitfall Harry, formerly Pac-Man, formerly the Mushroom King.

Reviews coming up? Kool-Aid Singles (it’s like Crystal Light or Lipton Tea small packets, you know, the bottled water ones, only this one’s for fucking Kool-Aid, damnit), Pop Tarts Go-Tarts (I’ll be reviewing the Kool-Aid things and these, which are basically Pop Tarts that you don’t need to toast, making breakfast even fucking lazier, at the same time in a new segment called “Munchies”.), and Tetris DS (I can’t review it until I get wi-fi, but so far, it’s got a 6/5. Off the charts good, man!)

True Addiction March 19, 2006

Posted by RoyberTITo in Internet, Random, WASD me!.
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It’s 3 AM. I’m alone, in my kitchen, downstairs. The lights are on. My speakers are on blast, unrestricted, no headphones. The microphone sits dormant on my desk for the first time in months because of the recent death of my Logitech headset. Two pairs of headphones sit near the speakers, unused, as well as a headphone splitter so both pairs can be used at once. For entertainment while things on my computer load, I have a 3-set pair of magnetic rattle snake eggs sitting at a safe distance from my keyboard. My cable modem and my USB hard drive are blinking. I’ve got two empty cans of Full Throttle Fury in front of me. The TV’s on, but only becuase I need the stimuli. Murphy Brown’s on. I’m wondering why. My iPod is sitting on the top of my printer. I should charge it later, the cord’s in the USB drive waiting. On the top of my computer, my carefully arranged scene of mini City of Heroes action figures attacking a giant Meatwad figure sits in a perpetual moment, until I once again change the arrangement of the characters.

It’s 3 AM. And I’m playing Super Mario World. I’m a nerd. I’m an addict.

And I’m okay with that.

Addiction is nothing bad. Addiction is not a god damned crime. I’m not a criminal for playing a little bit of CoH when I’m free to do so. Gaming is not a crime.

My brother is not only a gamer, but a skater as well. I hear him and his friends say that same old “Skateboarding is Not a Crime” mantra repeatedly. You know what? They won their battle a long time ago. Skateboarding is no longer demonized. There are government-funded institutions for it, it’s viewed as “normal” by everyone that sees it, people that skateboard aren’t casted out by the “popular crowd”. And skateboarding’s been around since the inception of gaming. Hell, it’s been around LESS.

But gaming is still viewed as strange. People are demonizing it now more than they ever have. The government wants to destroy it, popular culture makes fun of those who participate in it, and no matter how many times us gamers try to make a freakin’ stand we’re thrown down with a bunch of government backlash bullshit.

True addiction is caring about what you beleive in. I tell people what I do over the weekends at night, they laugh in my face. But of course, staying on MySpace for 10 hours, typing with the world’s most abdominable grammar, posting pictures of yourself on the internet for the public eye of people you don’t know (perverts, rapists, Brian Peppers, etc.), and contributing further to the complete and total corporate brainwashing of America’s youth is totally and perfectly NORMAL!

Their addiction is okay. It’s healthy. BULLSHIT. The parents of America have their heads up their asses if they think MySpace is better than gaming. In fact, I’d love to ask Jack Thompson which is more harmful. One, MySpace, has been known for 1) kiddy porn; 2) children being abducted; 3) children being raped; 4) suicide pacts; and several other evils. The other, gaming, has been responsible for what, a bunch of idiots with dumb parents who can’t realize what’s OKAY AND NOT OKAY FOR THEIR OWN CHILDREN? And by that, I don’t mean games, I mean GUNS, BOMBMAKING MATERIALS, KNIVES, ETC!

Why is the gaming community being pegged, when in truth America’s parents no longer have any FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER!

*sighs* Back to what I started with. I find what I do completely normal. It’s not like I’m sitting here and jacking it to hentai, I’m sitting here and playing Mario. If anyone dares to say I’m wrong for doing so, then I dare them to comment here and tell me exactly why I shouldn’t be allowed to play a harmless little video game when I want to. I want them to tell me why I shouldn’t be allowed to increase my powers of imagination, why I shouldn’t be allowed to take out my anger in a shooting game, why I shouldn’t be allowed to have some god damned piece of mind playing a game without being called a freakin’ nerd.

Nerd has turned from a simple little meaningless insult to a SWEEPING generalization, and TV makes it one Hell of a lot worse. For example? Other day, I switched it to Nickelodeon, just hoping to see one of the few good cartoons left on that network (I actually assumed Avatar was on, I personally like that show a lot, if you haven’t checked it out, I suggest a look, it’s rather entertaining) was on. It turned out to be some “tween” (whatever the fuck a “tween” is) show called Zoey 101. What a horrible, HORRIBLE half-hour of television. How the fuck can they get away with insulting people like that? Creating more bullies in our schools, GREAT FUCKING JOB VIACOM. Because if it’s one thing that’s causing school shootings, it isn’t the sweeping rage of gang bullying going on in the schoolyards, it’s the game “Doom 3”. That’s REALLY fucking rational, now isn’t it? Anyway, the  episode was concering a robot battle contest. A “popular kid” (of course, the kid is freakin’ bread white, has blue eyes, skinny as a twig, and is a jock. Give him blond hair and I’d definately peg the show’s creators as being Nazis)  hears a couple of what one would presume are nerds talking at an adjacent table. The nerds are insulting the kid’s intellegence, because of course, if it’s one thing that nerds do all the time, it’s start fights and bully people. Yeah, the nerds are the problem, even though we’re the ones being bullied to the point where we’re flashed in the P.E. locker room, that makes a lot of sense. Besides that, the nerds continue their insulting when the kid walks over to the table, however, he hadn’t heard the insults. The nerds are finally seen on camera. They’re wearing plaid button-up shirts with pocket protectors, have inhalers in their hands, are wearing those big ass Napoleon Dynamite bottle glasses, and are all snorting and laughing in front of a laptop running a very generic grahping/3D mapping/math/Excel/Lotus Notes/Lego Digital Creator/DOS program.

Now, where the fuck did this all nerds are blind shit come from? What about this all nerds have horrible allergies. What about the plaid? Or the fucking pocket protectors? THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN!

But wait, it gets worse. The popular kid (we’ll just call him Mr. Generic for now… tee hee Mr. Men reference tee hee… “Mr. Generic is the same as all the other Mr. Men. Let’s see what happens if he gets a zit. He will be different, thus he will be thrown from the crowd of norms to the crowd of norms in need of Oxy.”) asks the nerds for the time. And thus, the insults. “He’s so dumb he can’t check a watch.” *snort snort snort*

And what was said next is what made me want to take an axe to my television.

Nerd 1: He’s so dumb he can’t check a watch.
Nerds: *snort snort laugh snort*
Nerd 3: Heh heh, L-O-L!
Nerd 2: Yeah, R-O-F-L!

Wait a minute, what the fuck happened here? When the fuck did we start saying LOL and ROFL in public? Hell, when the fuck did we start saying it at all?! The ones who say that shit are the AIM addicted popular kids THEMSELVES! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, DAMNIT!

Why can’t we be viewed as normal already, man? That’s all we ask for is a little freakin’ acceptance. Admit it: we’re better than you. We can write blogs, post podcasts, and make websites, all you can say is that you put a pink background and Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” video on your MySpace using a page wizard you dumbfuck.

Once again, no more sidetracks: I’m going back to my gaming. It’s 3:42 in the morning on a Sunday. And I’m getting back to playing Mario. Fuck society.

There’ll be more reviews soon, by the way. 3 of them: all of them for cell phone games. This should be fun.

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Comic-Con 2006…. March 18, 2006

Posted by RoyberTITo in Comic-Con 2006, WASD me!.
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We’re setting everything up: reservation, days off work, everything. It’s happening. It’ll be the first Vader on Vacation videocast, as I’ve said. We’re going on Friday, July 21st and Saturday, July 22nd. If you see us filming (if you see a dude in a Vader helmet with a Hawaiian shirt), say something about the site.

If I have the iBook by then, I’ll try to post that first night, and if there’s wi-fi in the convention center, I’ll post from the center periodically with cool pictures and stuff, because with the iBook, I’ll just attach an iSight and I can take live pictures, and even without an iSight, all I’d have to do would be to take my cellphone, take some pics with that, and upload them to Flickr. I’ll probably also do either a podcast that night from the hotel, or, depending on wi-fi availability, I’ll do a live podcast from the center. With the Vader mask on. Heh heh.

True Addiction March 18, 2006

Posted by RoyberTITo in Internet, Random, WASD me!.
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It’s 3 AM. I’m alone, in my kitchen, downstairs. The lights are on. My speakers are on blast, unrestricted, no headphones. The microphone sits dormant on my desk for the first time in months because of the recent death of my Logitech headset. Two pairs of headphones sit near the speakers, unused, as well as a headphone splitter so both pairs can be used at once. For entertainment while things on my computer load, I have a 3-set pair of magnetic rattle snake eggs sitting at a safe distance from my keyboard. My cable modem and my USB hard drive are blinking. I’ve got two empty cans of Full Throttle Fury in front of me. The TV’s on, but only becuase I need the stimuli. Murphy Brown’s on. I’m wondering why. My iPod is sitting on the top of my printer. I should charge it later, the cord’s in the USB drive waiting. On the top of my computer, my carefully arranged scene of mini City of Heroes action figures attacking a giant Meatwad figure sits in a perpetual moment, until I once again change the arrangement of the characters.

It’s 3 AM. And I’m playing Super Mario World. I’m a nerd. I’m an addict.

And I’m okay with that.

Addiction is nothing bad. Addiction is not a god damned crime. I’m not a criminal for playing a little bit of CoH when I’m free to do so. Gaming is not a crime.

My brother is not only a gamer, but a skater as well. I hear him and his friends say that same old “Skateboarding is Not a Crime” mantra repeatedly. You know what? They won their battle a long time ago. Skateboarding is no longer demonized. There are government-funded institutions for it, it’s viewed as “normal” by everyone that sees it, people that skateboard aren’t casted out by the “popular crowd”. And skateboarding’s been around since the inception of gaming. Hell, it’s been around LESS.

But gaming is still viewed as strange. People are demonizing it now more than they ever have. The government wants to destroy it, popular culture makes fun of those who participate in it, and no matter how many times us gamers try to make a freakin’ stand we’re thrown down with a bunch of government backlash bullshit.

True addiction is caring about what you beleive in. I tell people what I do over the weekends at night, they laugh in my face. But of course, staying on MySpace for 10 hours, typing with the world’s most abdominable grammar, posting pictures of yourself on the internet for the public eye of people you don’t know (perverts, rapists, Brian Peppers, etc.), and contributing further to the complete and total corporate brainwashing of America’s youth is totally and perfectly NORMAL!

Their addiction is okay. It’s healthy. BULLSHIT. The parents of America have their heads up their asses if they think MySpace is better than gaming. In fact, I’d love to ask Jack Thompson which is more harmful. One, MySpace, has been known for 1) kiddy porn; 2) children being abducted; 3) children being raped; 4) suicide pacts; and several other evils. The other, gaming, has been responsible for what, a bunch of idiots with dumb parents who can’t realize what’s OKAY AND NOT OKAY FOR THEIR OWN CHILDREN? And by that, I don’t mean games, I mean GUNS, BOMBMAKING MATERIALS, KNIVES, ETC!

Why is the gaming community being pegged, when in truth America’s parents no longer have any FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER!

*sighs* Back to what I started with. I find what I do completely normal. It’s not like I’m sitting here and jacking it to hentai, I’m sitting here and playing Mario. If anyone dares to say I’m wrong for doing so, then I dare them to comment here and tell me exactly why I shouldn’t be allowed to play a harmless little video game when I want to. I want them to tell me why I shouldn’t be allowed to increase my powers of imagination, why I shouldn’t be allowed to take out my anger in a shooting game, why I shouldn’t be allowed to have some god damned piece of mind playing a game without being called a freakin’ nerd.

Nerd has turned from a simple little meaningless insult to a SWEEPING generalization, and TV makes it one Hell of a lot worse. For example? Other day, I switched it to Nickelodeon, just hoping to see one of the few good cartoons left on that network (I actually assumed Avatar was on, I personally like that show a lot, if you haven’t checked it out, I suggest a look, it’s rather entertaining) was on. It turned out to be some “tween” (whatever the fuck a “tween” is) show called Zoey 101. What a horrible, HORRIBLE half-hour of television. How the fuck can they get away with insulting people like that? Creating more bullies in our schools, GREAT FUCKING JOB VIACOM. Because if it’s one thing that’s causing school shootings, it isn’t the sweeping rage of gang bullying going on in the schoolyards, it’s the game “Doom 3”. That’s REALLY fucking rational, now isn’t it? Anyway, the  episode was concering a robot battle contest. A “popular kid” (of course, the kid is freakin’ bread white, has blue eyes, skinny as a twig, and is a jock. Give him blond hair and I’d definately peg the show’s creators as being Nazis)  hears a couple of what one would presume are nerds talking at an adjacent table. The nerds are insulting the kid’s intellegence, because of course, if it’s one thing that nerds do all the time, it’s start fights and bully people. Yeah, the nerds are the problem, even though we’re the ones being bullied to the point where we’re flashed in the P.E. locker room, that makes a lot of sense. Besides that, the nerds continue their insulting when the kid walks over to the table, however, he hadn’t heard the insults. The nerds are finally seen on camera. They’re wearing plaid button-up shirts with pocket protectors, have inhalers in their hands, are wearing those big ass Napoleon Dynamite bottle glasses, and are all snorting and laughing in front of a laptop running a very generic grahping/3D mapping/math/Excel/Lotus Notes/Lego Digital Creator/DOS program.

Now, where the fuck did this all nerds are blind shit come from? What about this all nerds have horrible allergies. What about the plaid? Or the fucking pocket protectors? THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN!

But wait, it gets worse. The popular kid (we’ll just call him Mr. Generic for now… tee hee Mr. Men reference tee hee… “Mr. Generic is the same as all the other Mr. Men. Let’s see what happens if he gets a zit. He will be different, thus he will be thrown from the crowd of norms to the crowd of norms in need of Oxy.”) asks the nerds for the time. And thus, the insults. “He’s so dumb he can’t check a watch.” *snort snort snort*

And what was said next is what made me want to take an axe to my television.

Nerd 1: He’s so dumb he can’t check a watch.
Nerds: *snort snort laugh snort*
Nerd 3: Heh heh, L-O-L!
Nerd 2: Yeah, R-O-F-L!

Wait a minute, what the fuck happened here? When the fuck did we start saying LOL and ROFL in public? Hell, when the fuck did we start saying it at all?! The ones who say that shit are the AIM addicted popular kids THEMSELVES! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, DAMNIT!

Why can’t we be viewed as normal already, man? That’s all we ask for is a little freakin’ acceptance. Admit it: we’re better than you. We can write blogs, post podcasts, and make websites, all you can say is that you put a pink background and Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” video on your MySpace using a page wizard you dumbfuck.

Once again, no more sidetracks: I’m going back to my gaming. It’s 3:42 in the morning on a Sunday. And I’m getting back to playing Mario. Fuck society.

There’ll be more reviews soon, by the way. 3 of them: all of them for cell phone games. This should be fun.

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